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It’s was previously indicated during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco on Wednesday that Intel had a little monsters in the work’s. That’s truly an understatement there’s nothing little about the first of it’s kind six core processor. The Core i7- 980X Extreme chip is based on Intel’s 32- nanometer processor technology unlike previously i-Cores that use the fatter 45-nanameter processor, this will boots speeds. Like all iCores the 980X feature’s Hyper-Threading technology that can handle up too 12 thread’s at once, and it’s not offered in previous generation Core Duo chips. Bar none the 980X is the fastest desktop out now, in a HotHardware.com reviewer said "Factor in support for AES-NI, Hyper Threading, and bump the shared L3 cache up to a cool 12MB, and you've got the makings of one seriously fast CPU." (AES-NI, or Advanced Encryption Standard New Instruction, is a technology for boosting security, available on Intel "Westmere" 32-nanometer processors). Motherboards that support the chip set are available from vendors such as Gigabyte (e.g., the EX58A-UD5) and Asus can take the new 980x chip. The first few glimpses of the core running graphic intensive Napoleon: Total War, and Crysis really shows why it’s best processor out. Intel said “ It’s designed to crunch through the most 3D-intensive games”, and with a price tag around $1000 just for the chip gaming box won’t come cheap. PC makers like Alien Ware Falcon Northwest, and Velocity Micro offer the high-end gaming boxes for little under $3000 for the cheaper models. So if you have the cash to buy it, you should be set for the next three to four years before you run into a program this CPU can’t handle.
San Francisco morning during the Game Beats portion of the Game Developers Conference, OnLive CEO Steve Perlman finally announced a launch date for the cloud computing gaming service. Good news after a year long hiatus since the service was first unveiled at last years GDC 2009. Perlman set the launch date at the same time as E3 “Electronic Gaming Expo” on June 17. The service will be up and running in all 48 contiguous United States at that time. The price point was also revealed, monthly fee’s starting at 14.95 a month with different options available for people who sign up for longer term commitments. Perlman, mention that the first 25’000 subscribers will get three months of service free of change. However eyebrows are being raised over the subscription fee, because it is unclear to what other features it offers besides your gamer tag, friends list, spectator viewing, free demos, etc. The actually game’s will have a separated change for renting and buying through the service, and Perlman didn’t specify any details either.
One thing Perlman failed to mention was rather or not the OnLive MicroConsole (the box you plug into your TV) will available? On July 17. Or does the launch date just refer to the service being up and running for Macs and Pc’s. What about the rest of the world ? Perlman replies “that more details will be available later this year”. With so many question left unanswered at least there is a launch date to look forward to.

Nintendo believes the Wii console have’s more room to grow, and shot down any persisted rumor’s about the Wii’s successor aka “Wii HD” that have been circulating. Speculation begin after a sharp drop in sale’s, and lost of the number one selling console spot according to NPD sales figures. Nintendo’s executive vice president Cammie Dunaway spoke with GameSpot during the Nintendo Media Summit. She urged gamers not to hold there breath’s for the so called Wii HD saying "I don't think it'll be anytime soon. Even though our install base is, at this point, five million households larger than the PS2 install base was at the same point in its life cycle, it still has a lot of room to grow." She continued on, "If you think PlayStation 2, there's been about 50 million sold -- Wii close to 28 million sold -- so it says to me there's still a big audience out there that we can access with Wii." In other words, she said, "We'll have it ready when we think the time is right." All seems too true, and from the look of the titles announced for the Wii at the Media Summit Nintendo is releasing the big gun’s Metroid Other M, Mario Galaxy 2, and Legend of Zelda so it’s doubtful at best to believe they will release a new system anytime soon. But then again E3 “The Electronic Gaming Expo” is just around the corner, what Surprise’s does Nintendo have in store? Ignition's Shane Bettenhausen Expects DS 2 and PSP 2 to make an appearance at E3, but who really known’s all we can do now is speculate till then.