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Monday, April 19, 2010

PS3's summer 3D firmware update

Hey do you want to look like the family in this picture to your left? Well fear not, because you can if your a PlayStation3 owner. Come this summer Sony plan's to release an firmware update to support 3D. The update implies just to the games for now, but Sony was quoted saying they have plans to release support for Blu-ray movies later this fall. Good news I guess if your into the whole 3D hype. I for one think it's stupid, because you still have to put on the dumb glass to get the 3D effect, and second I'm not 5 years old anymore seeing how that was the last time I was ever excited about 3D. And I hate this stupid picture as much as 3D, and I wish this lame ass fade would just die already.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Star-Craft Cheater : ~ (

South Korean authorities are looking into allegations of fixed matches, by professional players of sci-fi-themed strategy game Star-Craft. The game is developed Blizzard who is the same creators of World of War and Star-Craft which is enormously popular in South Korea. Star-Craft is so popular in Korea that, they have Teams compete in televised tournaments. Player's even receive coaching and sponsorship, and the Korean police believe some of these players accepted bribes from gambling websites to lose matches. Surprisingly, the Korean mainstream news hasn't discuss it at all, but the Korean Times Website said "the e-Sports Association has filed charges against individual players and coaches in March 2010". Just to give you a better understanding of how popular Star-Craft is in South Korean it accounts for 70% of sport activities in the county. A Korean spokesperson in the UK told the BBC "They have no official statement from the minster of cultural." But he did confirmed that the incident is under investigation by the police." The website Gamepron.com compared all this news to the 1919 Chicago White Sox (Black Sox scandal).

Toyota why ?

The BCC News reported on Thursday April 15th that Toyota would be suspending sales of their Lexus GX 460 worldwide. Much to the dismay of Toyota and their on going legal issues regarding their merchandise. The fear with this vehicle is that it may roll over. Millions of GX 460 have been recalled for public safety. What must Toyota do to regain public trust if however that trust has been tarnished? Has the issue with Toyota effected other car manufacturers? Toyota has been in the red for most of 2009 and 2010. From committee meetings with executive leaders to now this. What must be done? Toyota blatantly has to get their act together. I do not know the intricacies of the automotive industry, however their appearance in the media lately has been that of incompetence. Toyota seems to be in a state of disarray. On April 18, 2010 Toyota also recalled 600k minivans. Who is running The show here? As consumers, whether we are American born or Japanese born have a right Safe and secure in the automobile that we drive. When the consumer, his or her family and friends are put in danger the company must do any and everything to reassure security. The people should also protest Toyota and make them aware that incompetence will not be tolerated. We the consumer must take the initiative to not only respond to Toyota but to other car manufacturers as well. Time is of the essence, it is more than necessary for the automakers to be the responsible businessman they claim to be. There needs to be investigations from the Top up to down. There needs to be a checks and balances to ensure the absolute safety of the consumer. It is the consumer that pays the salary for these top CEOs and CFOs of these companies and we should have some say. Oh, and by the way I drive a Toyota.

Evil Google

According to popular opinion and statistical evaluations Google has become a powerful entity in the global scene.Google allows for the access of information in a nano second. From looking up basketball scores to searching for your home on Google Earth, Google enables it’s users to do just about anything.Google has become a global dominance on the web mainly through advertisements. Its position is growing and it has affected people and businesses like no other entity on the web.Google has become a major driving force in the information age. It connects mankind like no other form of technology. Google has become the master of information. It has become the vehicle behind advertising. With Google you can even look at current pictures anywhere on the planet through its satellites. Google also has a negative influence amongst many people. Google has been viewed by some as a negative aspect to life. Many people view Google as having to much power in regards to information. It is viewed as a way to spy on people due to its satellite ability. Also Google is viewed as having to much power. Google in many peoples eyes is a monopoly. It controls a vast array of information. Google is the search engine for most of the worlds population and it has a future that has yet to be determined.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Very smooth HD via VIA

Via takes the jitters out of HD media decoding.The independent Taiwanese chip maker VIA technologies claims the title, of best streaming HD available on a single nano chip. The Media System Processor VX900 will use VIA 3000 nano series chip processor's. VIA's vice president of their marketing department Richard Brown said " this will greatly improve the consumer's online HD experience". The 3000 series comes with Chromotion HD 2.0 video engine, which helps the hardware process H.264 codec much faster. Mr. Brown also claimed that the 3000 series has the power to render 1080p video without hogging system resources or use any other three party decoder for extra help. It accelerates MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV formats, and can manage Blu-ray titles in seconds. DDR3 system memory at speeds of 1066MHz is compatible and it has dual channel support for Display Porting of, HDMI, DVP, VGA and LVDS/TMDS. All this power packed in an 31mm x 31mm single nano chip,not even the Intel Atom is as powerful as this little baby. Makes you wonder why VIA has such little pull in the market place when it's obvious they make better chip's then Intel.

5 things to love and hate about the Apple iPad

I recently had a little hands on time with the hottest electronic device on the market. Despite it's easily mock-able name, on April 3 2010 Apple launched the first generation WiFi only iPad. And according to Apple's CEO Steve Jobs they plan to release the WiFi+3G version later in April. In three days alone Apple sold over 300k plus units, so to call it a failure is a understatement. Reviews have been very positive for the most part, but you still have groups of people who flat out hate it. Instead of writing two different blogs comparing the good and bad, I have narrow it down to 5 things that will decide if you love it or hate it. I'll start with the five things I love about the iPad.

  • Its speed and fluidity. The 1GHz Apple A4 SoC processor is speedy, and like all Apple computers this little tablet is fast and powerful. The instant you tap on a program with in a few seconds it loads up, and the same goes for when your installing programs too. There are a few exceptions too this, certain third party apps like Twitter Deck and YouTube run a little sluggish, but I'm sure a simple update can correct this problem.
  • Good Interface. Because Apple designed the iPad from the ground up and build it around the touch screen, everything works perfectly together unlike other operating system that are not build for touch feature's. The Touch-based apps are brilliantly designed, and the right size for fingers. And clever touches like the wooden bookshelf for the iBooks app makes it very user friendly.
  • Applications. Not to mention the fact that you can play almost every app on the original iPhone. The iPad already has 15k apps available, and with promising app's like iBook's the sky is the limit to the different possibility.
  • It's beautiful display. The iPad's screen is bright, crisp and crystal clear. Whether your gaming, watching movies or checking out photo's it's the perfect device for it.
  • Battery life. The battery life (as claimed) by Apple is phenomenal. An Apple rep said " you can get up to 10 hours of battery life while surfing the web, watching movie and listening to music." And so far owners of the iPad agreed, and some claimed that they got an extra 45 minutes on top of the 10 hour claim before there battery die.
Now before you go out and buy one please read the five reason you might not want to buy an iPad.
  • Outdated fast. Is it me our does this look familiar remember when Apple launched the first 8 GB iPhone, and two month's later released the 16 GB version which was essentially better. If your one of those individual who bought it day one don't surprised when Apple announces a better version in the upcoming months.
  • No multitasking. Hey, do you want to download music and read one of your iBooks at the same time or how about write a research paper, and chat with someone on Face Book ?. Well fat chance, because the iPad can't multitask. So your stuck doing one task at a time.
  • Bad WiFi. Some many consumer are complaining on Forum site's about the junkie WiFi connection. Users are reporting fluctuating signal strength on their iPad's even when there are in WiFi Hotpots. iPad owners say even when they have a strong signal, performance is still poor. One user posted results from the speed test.net app both on his iPhone 3GS and the new iPad. The iPad download speed was rated at 1.83 megabits/sec whereas the iPhone 3GS download speed of 14.77 megabits/sec was more than eight times faster.
  • No USB Port. The iPad is a very lock down device only allowing user to use Apple base peripherals. Just in case 499$ wasn't enough money to waste you get to waste even more money buying Apple's expensive accessory.
  • Do you really need it. Before you think of buying the iPad ask yourself three question first. Do you have a smart phone? Do you own a netbook or laptop? And do you own a Kindle? If you answer yes to at least one of these question then for no reason do you need this 499$ device, because owning a iPad is like have all three device's but butcher to point where key things you need are missing.
In closing I quite frankly don't see a need for this product right now, because it's like own a bigger iPhone, but with less feature's. But who's to say there is no place in the world for it, with the correct adjustments I can see the iPad being juggernaut in it's own league.

Blu-ray Discs expand to 128GB under new BDXL spec

Maybe it's because of the new 3D hype going around or your one of those individual's who thinks 50GB just isn't enough. If so don't thread, because the Blu-ray Disc Association is rolling out the big guns. Their new Blu-ray XL format has the capability's to hold 128GB (write-once) or 100GB (rewritable). And sorry to all you PS3 users cause you won't be able to take advantage of this new feature seeing how they go up to three or four layers deep and will likely need a very powerful laser. No PS3 update will help either, but home movies can still be compressed fine, and company's who are still using other mediums for archiving are going to love the extra space. And even better new's is the IH-BD discs, which allows 25GB of permanent space and 25GB of rewritable space on the same single layer disc. Both make for the ideal Hi Res storage device for film edited, photography, and for IH-BD there is a consumer version is in the works. Sadly no release date has been announced for the BD-XL so far.

Charlie Miller to reveal 20 zero day security holes in Mac OS X

“It’s been too long” said legendary computer hacker Charlie Miller as he sat down to talk with engadget.com Darren Murph. Apparently he’s back to his old ways of hacking OS X mainframe for flaws like, how to steal you credit card info emails, and other personal important documents on your Mac. The Famous former Apple security expert has already hacked the Macbook Air in under two minutes at the PWD event at CanSecWest. He reveal more than 20 fatal security holes within OS X , and said “OS X has a large attack surface consisting of open source components, closed source third-party components and closed source Apple components; bugs in any of these types of components can lead to remote compromise." He also reemphasize what he has been saying for years about Mac and Pc’s, “Mac OS X is like living in a farmhouse in the country with no locks, and Windows is living in a house with bars on the windows in the bad part of town." This mean’s that Apple user are safer for the time being, but less secure.

Nintendo Would Be "Embarrassed" to Be in Sony's, Microsoft's Position

Nintendo’s fame CEO Reggie Fils-Aime had stern comments for it’s competition's Sony and Microsoft. Both recently announced motion based control Sony’s (dubbed "Move"), and Microsoft ( “Project Natal”). Project Natal was announced last year, but recently at GDC the “ Game Developers Conference” Sony unveiled the “Move” which looks eerily similar to the Wii motion control. Reggie is quota saying "I think we would have been embarrassed to do what our competitors are currently doing," Fils-Aime said to Kotaku, stressing that for Nintendo, it's of vital importance to innovate rather than follow. "So, all I can tell you is that we will innovate. We will provide something new. Something that the consumer and the industry will look at and say, 'Wow, I didn't see that coming. Also Reggie is the third person in the higher ups at Nintendo to confirm they have a Wii successor in the works. He also so stated that it won’t just be an HD based console saying “For us high definition by itself is not the next frontier. For us we need to provide a whole new compelling experience in our next generation," he continues. "When Mr. Miyamoto goes to Mr. Iwata and says, 'I have this great idea and I can't do it on the Wii,' that's when there will be a next generation console," he said. "What that includes we'll see. I think Mr. Miyamoto himself has said that he is very interested in a high-definition experience, but to be 120 percent crystal clear, HD by itself in our view is not enough to go for a new console past the Wii." What could all this really mean? maybe Nintendo is planning a 3D,and HD based console. Or is Reggie blasting of Sony and Microsoft a scare tactic, because they are catching up.