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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Iwata Calls Ipad “A bigger Ipod Touch”

Tech blogger’s are not the only ones criticizing Apple’s latest announcement. Apple’s latest product the Ipad is being branded a Failer for its lack of feature’s and easily mockable name. In a recent New York Times report, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata is quoted saying “It was a bigger Ipod Touch” This tough criticism echo’s all over Form, and Blog sites. Mr. Iwata didn’t stop there he down played his competitor Sony, because of their increased interest in 3D technology. In an Interview Iwata said, “I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home”. He continues on stating, “How is that going to look to other people”. In addition, Iwata shout down any persist rumors like “Wii HD”, and a so-called successor to the “DS”. He did mention that Nintendo is working on new hardware, but he did not disclose any details.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Capcom and Microsoft Have "Many Surprises" Coming on January 26

All this speculation begin after a particular image was posted on a Japanese Xbox 360 website. Capcom has already confirmed on their blog site that they have at a lot to unveil, come January 26. The image itself doesn’t really specify anything, and leave’s it open to observation. The announcement could just be a single exclusive title release for the Xbox 360, but the Capcom Blog site suggest otherwise quoting “all the delicious secrets" that they have in store”. The Capcom Blog site also stated that they are interested in the Global Gamer Audience not just in Japan. Good news right?, but what does that mean maybe a new MMO, Project Natal support or several new IP here’s hoping.

Nintendo Downplays Lack of HD Netflix Content for Wii.

The company Netflix has confirmed it will offer it’s streaming service on the Nintendo Wii. The CEO of Nintendo Reggie Fils Amie, and CEO of Netflix Reed Hasting spoke on CNBC. Reggie stated that this will advance the Wii brand into different markets besides games. Thus this will give more entertainment options to the Wii consumer. He and Reed down played those who criticize the Wii for it’s lack of HD capabilities, and Reggie was quoted saying that “most streaming content on Netflix isn’t in HD. Besides, the 26 million units sold speak for itself” said Reggie. This explains that the consumer is more concerned about the overall entertainment value than graphics. According to Reggie, their goal at Nintendo is to make the Wii the ultimate entertainment system, by not just offering games, but movies, music, and more. The company’s biggest concern is the overall entertainment experience. Nintendo plans are to add more and more capability to the Wii system until they have exhausted all possible resources. The services will require a CD, and will cost 8.99 per mouth. The services will be available late this spring.